Xiongming Dai


Division of Computer Science and Engineering
Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

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About Me

I got my Ph.D. from Division of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Louisiana State University. I was a director for motion capture system development at Shenzhen Realis Multimedia Technology Co.,Ltd. from 2016 to 2017.

Research Interests

• Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (V-SLAM), Generative Model, Optimization
• Optimal Transport, Motion Capture and Tracking, Stochastic Analysis, Anomaly Detection
• State Estimation for Sequential Data Analysis, Bayesian Learning, Monte Carlo Sampling
• Robotics, Optimal Control and Estimation, Markov Decision Process, Gradient flow



Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Weighted Riesz Particles, Arxiv

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Optimal Camera Configuration for Large-Scale Motion Capture Systems, The 34th British Machine Vision Conference(BMVC),Nov. 2023, rank A from CORE2023

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Variance Reduction of Resampling for Sequential Monte Carlo, The 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Feb. 2024, oral presentation (high-quality paper)

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Approximate Fekete Points for Riesz Particles Sampling, is working now

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Operator-free Equidistribution on the Sphere , Arxiv

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Chebyshev Particles , Arxiv

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Chebyshev Particles via Wasserstein Gradient Flow , is working now

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Riesz Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm, is working now


Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Optimal Camera Configuration for Large-Scale Motion Capture Systems, Nature Communications, being reviewed

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Variance Reduction of Resampling for Sequential Monte Carlo, Soft Computing, being reviewed

Xiongming Dai, Gerald Baumgartner, Variance Reduction of Resampling for Sequential Monte Carlo, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024 Post-Publication), Jan. 2025, A Springer Nature Computer Science book series


Graduate Research&Teaching Assistant

Louisiana State University (present)


Shenzhen Realis Multimedia Technology Co.,Ltd. (2016 - 2017)


• Three Software Copyright
• Two Inventive Patents
• First Prize of Hunan Provincial Calligraphy Competition, 2010
• Second Prize in University Cooking Competition
• The team got the 3rd place in the 15th Graduate Cup Soccer League, Forward
• The team got the 2nd place in the 25th Graduate Cup Basketball League, Small Forward


Louisiana State University (Graduate Teaching Assistant)

• CSC 1240 Stats & Graph MATLAB
• CSC 1253 Programming with C/C++
• CSC 4585 Multicore Programming
• CSC 4101 Programming Language

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